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Top : Science Fiction : Page 6

Horror.net - Horror Search and Directory: Science Fiction


Recon 2020 Official Site
(Added: 30-Jun-2006 Hits: 290 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Official site of indie Sci-Fi epic RECON 2020 that won the best sci-fi movie in Sci-fi London 2005 This ambitious movie is about a group of space marines who find themselves assigned to duty on the planet Caprini.However, they all too soon learn that the planet has been used as a facility for genetic mutations, and hordes of zombie-like killers fill the countryside as our intrepid heroes seek to battle their way back to safety.

Recon 2022 Official Site
(Added: 30-Jun-2006 Hits: 307 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Official site for the RECON 2020 sequel.

Sci Fi Stuff
(Added: 3-Mar-2003 Hits: 485 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
From forbidden planet, to lost in space, get your Science fiction items and memoribillia here.

Sci-Fi News
(Added: 26-Aug-2007 Hits: 149 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Sci-fi news, reviews and interviews updated daily from scifinews.net.

Sci-fi top sites
(Added: 18-Aug-2002 Hits: 525 Rating: 9.25 Votes: 16) Rate It
Top site list for Sci-fi! **JOIN**

Science Fiction Buzz
(Added: 14-Apr-2005 Hits: 403 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
The Science Fiction Buzz covers all things associated with the science fiction universe. From starships and Star Trek to Battlestar Galactica & astounding ebooks, if it’s related to scifi & fantasy, we have the buzzzz: relevant news, reviews and most of all - inspiration.

(Added: 15-Aug-2005 Hits: 302 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
SCIFANTASTIC prints eclectic and eccentric sf/f and horror thrice yearly in print & pdf formats.

(Added: 9-Apr-2009 Hits: 38 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
SciFiPulse explores science fiction across most media formats. We provide news, reviews and interviews with people who directly influence our favorite scif and fantasy creations.

(Added: 22-Dec-2008 Hits: 107 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
SciFi Section is a science fiction community and social network. Our primary focus is cataloging science fiction movies and television shows. As a member you can add to our database and help us grow. Basic membership is always free.

Secret Doctrine of days of Apocalypse: esoterics
(Added: 11-Jul-2009 Hits: 25 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Site about esoteric in a row along with momentous acquaintance, occult, religion idea, matters high society, messiah tendency coming go up what's more hole-and-corner, avatar, narrative theosophy culture, humanity

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