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Top : Horror Fiction : Page 29

Horror.net - Horror Search and Directory: Horror Fiction


Hot Zombie Fiction Review
(Added: 24-May-2009 Hits: 32 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
There is a large variety of fiction for the Zombie genre available today, but an equal amount of variety in quality. This is a review of books read by myself and hopefully others. Let's weed out the good from the bad.

Hotel Transylvania by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
(Added: 17-Aug-2003 Hits: 338 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Information about Warner Books' 2002 reprint of Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's first Saint-Germain vampire novel, Hotel Transylvania. The book was originally published in 1978.

I Love Werewolves
(Added: 2-Aug-2007 Hits: 141 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
I Love Werewolf stuff!! t-shirts & More!!

Immortal Audio
(Added: 24-Sep-2005 Hits: 300 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Immortal Audio produces some of the most compelling books-on-tape since the days of "The Shadow and Innersanctum" non-stop music and sound fx draw you into the story with a never before heard clarity...experience the sounds of darkness

In the Wee Hours
(Added: 13-Feb-2003 Hits: 483 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Poetry and short fiction of a Darker Nature. Plus jpegs and gifs in the Bone Yard for all you little graverobbers!

(Added: 16-Mar-2010 Hits: 28 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Website promoting the novel TOOTH AND NAIL by Craig DiLouie, published in April 2010 by Salvo Press (www.salvopress.com).

Inside Out
(Added: 23-Oct-2006 Hits: 332 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Is it reality, or fiction?

Insidious Reflections
(Added: 10-Sep-2004 Hits: 358 Rating: 9.70 Votes: 203) Rate It
Insidious Reflections - A place for dark and twisted tales, poems, and articles of all genres. Website, ezine, newsletter, member-based message board (includes peer critiques, writer-to-writer chat, movie reviews and more). Let your sanity lie barren while your madness pens a twisted tale...

Internal Anomaly
(Added: 3-Nov-2007 Hits: 104 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
What if vampires were real? They are. Internal Anomaly is a fictional story about vampire-like creatures, Homo sapiens exsanguis. The book is a completely different spin on the classical vampire story because it utilizes actual scientific explanations for the existence of these creatures of folklore. The story is fast-paced and has some nice suspense, gore and a bit of gratuitous sex.

Interview with horror author Tamara Thorne
(Added: 23-Oct-2003 Hits: 320 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Fantastic Reviews chatty interview with writer Tamara Thorne, Fall 2003. Includes talk about her new books, The Sorority.

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