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Top : Horror Fiction : Page 41

Horror.net - Horror Search and Directory: Horror Fiction


Newton E. Streeter's Official Website
(Added: 6-Jun-2004 Hits: 300 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
Newton E. Streeter's Official Website where all of the latest information on the best selling author is available.

Nickolaus Pacione
(Added: 24-May-2004 Hits: 386 Rating: 5.60 Votes: 5) Rate It
Horror writer who appears on MockFear.com and House-of-Pain.com to name a few sites that he's been on. The journal won a few awards via horrorfind.com -- namely the freaken scary award.

Night Blooming by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
(Added: 17-Aug-2003 Hits: 328 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Night Blooming (Warner Books paperback, 2003; hardcover, 2002) is Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's 15th novel to feature the vampire Count Saint-Germain

Night Songs
(Added: 22-Nov-2002 Hits: 428 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
Online home of author Fred Wiehe. Novels of horror, suspense, mystery, and fantasy. Read synopses and FREE chapters.

Night Terrors Publications
(Added: 14-Aug-2002 Hits: 480 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
A site for readers and writers of dark fiction.

Night Travels Of The Elven Vampire
(Added: 9-Sep-2003 Hits: 441 Rating: 4.67 Votes: 6) Rate It
Website for my new novel. Night Travels Of The Elven Vampire.Alaric is a gorgeous famous novelist.None know his secret. His vampirism. Which he seeks a cure for. He is also a elf. ONe evening on his nightly travels he meets Elspeth, a paranormal expert, who has her own curse. Love and fear of what could happen. When the elven bounty hunters come to destroy the monster and take her for bait. What will he sacrifice for her or her for him.

Nightshade audio
(Added: 2-Mar-2005 Hits: 316 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Nightshade audio produces some of the most compelling books-on-tape since the days of "The Shadow and Innersanctum" non-stop music and sound fx draw you into the story with a never before heard clarity...it must be beheld!

No Safe Refuge: A James Buckner Novel
(Added: 22-Jul-2005 Hits: 297 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Deputy Sheriff James Buckner deals with the great Red Scare of 1919 and tracks down a murderer.

Nora Weston
(Added: 9-Jul-2009 Hits: 41 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
New website for speculative/horror author Nora Weston. Do you dance in the dark...or light?

Novelist R. Bradley McLawhorn
(Added: 3-Sep-2008 Hits: 182 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
The official site for horror novelist R. Bradley McLawhorn writer of serious, classic styled horror fiction.

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