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Horror Search and Directory at Horror.net
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Horror.net - Horror Search and Directory: General Horror


Really Scary
(Added: 14-Aug-2002 Hits: 575 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
Covering the horror industry news every damned day. News on movies, tv, books, authors, comics, collectibles, DVDs and anything else under the Really Scary sun.

Red Moon Horror
(Added: 22-Aug-2005 Hits: 382 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Free Horror Books, Horror Short Stories, Mystery's, Pulp, Creepy Images, Horror photos, ghost stories , freaky and the dead, vampire stories, werewolf stories

Red Scream Magazine
(Added: 19-Feb-2005 Hits: 319 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
The online limb of Red Scream Magazine.

(Added: 26-Feb-2006 Hits: 286 Rating: 9.63 Votes: 19) Rate It
remilitia is resident evil and silent hill based site. however we now cover all things horror. such as movies and movie news. we also have contests and give aways.

Repository of Bloody Horrors
(Added: 23-Apr-2011 Hits: 13 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Library of horror. Novels and short stories, streaming audiobooks, movies and video, horror news and info.

Resurrection Studios Merchandise
(Added: 14-Aug-2002 Hits: 361 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Home of the DeadDoll Collection. The only place you can buy stuff bearing the art of Dark artist Billy Tackett

Retro Slashers
(Added: 3-Dec-2006 Hits: 227 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Slasher films from the 70's & 80's.

(Added: 7-May-2011 Hits: 12 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It

Roadside Horrors
(Added: 12-Oct-2002 Hits: 595 Rating: 9.46 Votes: 125) Rate It
Interested in spending the night in a haunted house? How about visiting a UFO landing spot? Perhaps you'd even like to trod where bigfoot walked? Seek out those locations and much more in this evergrowing Travel Guide to locations throughout the USA where the weird, creepy, surreal and downright scary reign. It's always being updated with new spooky spots... and eagerly seeking your own travel tips and narratives!

Root Rot's Trailer of Terror
(Added: 22-Feb-2003 Hits: 499 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
Root Rot the bi-weekly internet web host dedicated to the cult, horror, and the weirdness on the web

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Horror is the feeling of revulsion that usually occurs after something frightening is seen, heard, or otherwise experienced. It is the feeling one gets after coming to an awful realization or experiencing a hideous revelation. Horror has also been defined as a combination of terror and revulsion. We are horror... we are horror.net.
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