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Top : Horror Movies : Page 76

Horror.net - Horror Search and Directory: Horror Movies


Simian Ratticus Films
(Added: 29-Apr-2006 Hits: 405 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
With Matthew R. King as our head director and West Virginia as our headquarters, we bring you micro-budget horror movies. Mostly short films and full feature length movies, including The Green, Back to Life, and Speak of the Devil.

Sin-Jin Smyth
(Added: 27-Jul-2005 Hits: 337 Rating: 9.75 Votes: 4) Rate It
Every halloween at midnight, the devil simultaneously appears in two places, the high plains of india and...A quiet cemetery in kansas.

Sinners And Saints
(Added: 16-Apr-2005 Hits: 294 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
The official Sinners And Saints movie website

Sir Jorge's Macabre Dvd
(Added: 6-Dec-2007 Hits: 131 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Sir Jorge's Macabre Dvd reviews horror movies on a daily basis. If it is horror and on dvd, sir jorge reviews it.

Skull & Bones -
(Added: 3-Dec-2007 Hits: 182 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
A darkly humorous satire of power and privilege in the form of a slasher, in which two alienated gay sex buddies abduct, rape, torture, and kill students on an Ivy League campus.

Slammed & Damned: The Modern Day Horror Review
(Added: 4-Aug-2009 Hits: 88 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
The site is a collection of reviews for horror films past and present and interviews with movie industry people.

Slasher Domain
(Added: 5-Sep-2003 Hits: 589 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Slashing Up The Web Since 2003

Slasher: Horror Movie Community
(Added: 16-Aug-2005 Hits: 408 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Online horror movie message board and chat room,discuss classic & new horror movies,meet other horror fans!

(Added: 6-Jan-2004 Hits: 576 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
A site by the fans for the fans! Containing all your favourite Slashers from Michael Myers to Leatherface! They're all here and they're waiting on you!

(Added: 4-Apr-2011 Hits: 145 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
A fantastic new way of movie reviewing. Slashingthrough.com is all about cult/horror/splatter/b-movies. Go check it!

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